How to Develop an Optimization Strategy for Your Business

Business optimization strategies have evolved to include more than just newer, shinier web pages, advertisement and promotional product rollouts. Currently, there is a need for differentiation among brands. Customers have grown to spot the usually stereotypical and often predatorial marketing tactics some businesses have used ever since the Mad Men-esque 1960s. Even in our modernized society, the idea of giving something a flashy new paint job to sell products and services is still being used. 

Sometimes, these practices can run the possibility of coming off disingenuous. Trying to show relatability through colorful web pages without any substance will be quick to push customers away. A professional looking website is nothing to scoff at, though if you want an increase to your business’s productivity and to be seen as a reputable business, you may have to look more inward. You want to show your customers you do legitimately care. However, attempting to give the illusion of solidarity towards your consumer base will do more harm than you would want to invite. For your business to prosper, you have to make sure that your foundation is structurally sound. Improving your business’s optimization strategy would make your foundation as fortified as it can be. In this article, you will read what an optimization strategy is, how it works and how your business can apply it for potential growth.

optimize definition

What Is an Optimization Strategy?

The optimization definition is an act, process, or methodology of making something (such as a design, system, or decision) as fully perfect, functional, or effective as possible. In business, once you begin to optimize, you are actively acknowledging that prior strategies to your business campaign can better fit current market needs. This is not a bad thing at all. 

It is not so much admitting blame or fault, as it is seeing where you can improve efficiency and productivity. Which in turn, inadvertently improves employee morale and performance. Businesses need to adapt alongside changes in contemporary practices. In doing so, you use resources more efficiently, any outstanding costs are cut, and you can introduce new technologies into the environment. 

How Does an Optimization Strategy Work?

It is in the name, though simply asking what it takes to come up with an effective strategy is the equivalent of asking to have the ocean delivered directly to your doorstep. The solution may not be as herculean in practice, though it may not be as simple, either. Most optimization methods take time to identify the problem, whether externally or internally, analyze any possible solutions, implement the agreed-upon solutions. Finally, monitoring for any developments to make adjustments if needed.

Identifying the Problem

How effective your optimization proves to be relies on how accurate your assumptions are once drawn from previous optimization strategies. A great way to start effective optimization is gathering analytics. Anything ranging from your website to social media posts, the data you retrieve is detrimental to establishing an effective optimization strategy. This includes what is called a technical analysis. For a technical analyst, the past is doomed to repeat itself. They work to prevent such occurrences from happening to the business. By knowing the data attributed to past business practices, a technical analyst can make informed decisions for the future. 

Through identifying the problem, you must address any solutions and furthermore, be prepared for any ramifications afterwards. Narrow down the data, as there will be a lot to sort through. What may seem to be problematic at first, may wind up being only a symptom. One way you can remedy this, is by widening your focus. Having a second opinion can help you streamline better results when the implementation process starts. 

optimization strategy

Analyze for Solutions

After finding the problem, you must now find solutions to remedy the problem area and begin the process of trimming off the fat. There will be many ideas that may sound like they work and others do not. There may be some that could work but need some slight changes. Once again, locate the problem and fix it. However, the like can be said for rewarding the area that has seen the most progress. 

During this stage, it would be a great opportune moment to give meaning to your goals and what you expect by implementing them. It is important that you keep yourself grounded on what you want your goals to be, as overzealousness can lead to your plans unraveling at the seams. Finally, set a deadline! With a deadline in place, it will be easier to keep departments accountable and ensure you are not rushing through your projects.

Finding what works and what doesn’t throughout your business channels’ function through the same process. For instance, observing where your business has the highest return on investment (ROI) may be the difference between growth and stagnation. There is a practice referred to as attribution modeling that seeks to give credit for the channel that delivered on a lead conversion. 

Attribution Modeling

So, what does attribution modeling have to do with finding solutions within your business? Well, most large (and some small) businesses may come across organizational silos, which impede business growth due to diverging goals within departments that veer off from the company’s planning. One of the benefits of attribution modeling is that it promotes unity. When you are trying to allocate credit to the appropriate channels, you may potentially gain cohesion. A business needs the cooperation of all its channels to work. This is not to say that this is the end-all be-all solution for your company, though the whole point is finding a solution that works for you. Your company has available resources that you can use to streamline any solution that may develop during this time.

developing an optimization strategy

Implementing Solutions

After finding what does not work, it is now the time to implement what does (or does not). You must organize and prioritize which solutions might offer the best results and begin accordingly. An effective practice for implementation might be by using automation. When initiating an optimization strategy, some of the main points are that you want new methods that improve cost effectiveness, efficiency, productivity and differentiation from your competitors. Through marketing automation, it becomes easier for a business to personalize their brand. When implementing your goals, be sure to checklist your original planning to make sure that everything is going as instructed. It is by combining strategy with structure. 

As stated by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton of Harvard Business Review, looking to implement new strategies through four perspectives, financial, customer, process, learning and growth can yield the best results. Though, understanding what each department brings to the table can only smooth the transition into the four perspectives. If done correctly, if the learning and growth perspectives are achieved, so eventually will the financial solutions be complete at the process level, which leads to monetary transactions at the customer level which in turn increases the ROI.

Monitor the Outcomes

The optimization methods so far have located where the problem was, what any solutions may look like, and trimming down the fat or separating what works in the grand scheme of your business’s development. You then would have organized which ones would be the most beneficial and prioritized which strategies to implement all while creating checklists, then finally keeping track of your findings via monitoring. This part is essentially rinsing, washing, and repeating the implementation and monitoring processes. Your task is keeping the train off the tracks. During this time you would be sure to see if the gears are working in tandem with one another. 

It is likely that revisions to your strategy will occur. It is all a part of the process. Much like what you had done for analyzing solutions, you will find out what works and what does not. You see what needs supplementation and how you can improve in that department. Afterward, the only other criteria you would have to fill is to be patient. It is about finding the best alternative. Referring to the optimize definition, you are perfecting a fully functional process and that is no overnight venture. 

optimization for business

Have SEO Design Chicago Help Implement Your Own Optimization Strategy Today!

At first glance, there is a lot that goes into a proper implementation of an optimization strategy. There are many pieces that flow into one another and it all may be somewhat dizzying. If you are not familiar with this process, it might just be too laborious with all of your other responsibilities. At SEO Design Chicago, we can make the load a lot less heavier to carry. Our experts can help you implement your own optimization strategy, today.


  • What is an optimization strategy?
  • How does an optimization strategy work?
  • What are the benefits to implementing an optimization strategy?
  • Are there downsides to optimization? 
  • How does automation work?

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