Schema FAQs

Have you ever typed a search query into Google and were presented with a drop-down menu of questions related to the topic? You probably thought Google knew exactly what you were going to ask. But it actually was thanks to FAQ schemas.

You might be asking, what is a FAQ schema? You may have even typed that exact question into Google before arriving here. The nice thing is Google knows that and knows how users are asking questions. With that being said, Google is always refining its algorithm and looking for new ways to improve searching. Presently, Google is the only search engine recognizing schema for FAQs. However, it is a vastly underutilized SEO strategy that more websites should be using. So consider yourself already ahead of the curve by taking the time to learn more about FAQ schema and how to begin incorporating it.


FAQ Schema Basics

Before we get into FAQ schema generators and rich snippet testers, let us take a step back and cover the basics. First, the schema is code that gives additional information to search engines on your website. You may already be using meta descriptions or other forms of markups to help search engines get to know your web pages better. FAQ schema is just another way to do that. Specifically, this is code added to a page with two or more questions associated with it. Google uses this code when determining what pages to display in its search results pages. Pages with questions similar to what the user is searching for will be ranked higher. If your schema also contains the answer to the question, Google will direct users to that specific section of the content.

You will find schema markup for FAQs usually in two places on a business’s website. A general FAQ page does not rank well in result pages so adding in the schema can improve its visibility. However, do not expect it to have a huge impact on your SEO because these general FAQ pages are so broad. Where FAQ schema really shines is with specific pages you want to highlight the content of. By creating questions that are associated with the content of the web page, Google has a much better idea of it.

Benefits of the Schema for FAQs

Once you have drafted a few questions and answers for your web page, Google will read through the markup and produce a rich snippet. These rich snippets contain a collapsible list underneath the link and meta description. Users find these extremely helpful because it gives them a much better idea of if the web page will provide what they are looking for. Thus, users are much more inclined to click on your link.

Besides having a better click-through rate, the main advantage of FAQ schema is SERP space. By adding in a FAQs section, your page is going to take up more space on search results. Users are more likely to click on links that take up more real estate. Even more, you are pushing other results further down the page.

Additionally, Google is more likely to include your web page in the People Also Ask section of search results pages. Meaning you improve both your online visibility and credibility. In fact, less than 1% of businesses are utilizing schema for their SEO strategy. You can gain quite a competitive advantage over others. Increased organic traffic, click-through rate, and authority are all benefits of FAQ schema. Let us now look into how you can start implementing it.


Using a FAQ Schema Generator

The first step you will want to take is to create a FAQ page for your website and/or a FAQ section for each of your significant web pages. Compose three questions and answers found on the webpage at minimum. Here is where things get a bit more technical. You will want to create the schema markup in either JSON-LD or Microdata but do not mix the two. If you have no idea what either of those is, do not worry because there are plenty of online FAQ schema generators.

Google slightly prefers JSON-LD because it is easier to read than Microdata. But if you do go down the route of Microdata, be cautious because it involves inserting code into your website. A proficient web developer should have no problem, whereas someone new to this may run the risk of ruining the body section of the page. Do a quick search on Microdata schema templates and you should be in good hands. All you will need to do is change out the content with your own. Or, you can go the easier method and find a FAQ schema generator for Microdata.

Going with JSON-LD may be your better bet especially if you are coding it yourself. There is less room for error and you are only placing the code into your header section. Again, you can find templates or utilize a free FAQ schema generator for JSON-LD.

Schema Tester on Google

When using a generator, ensure that you copy the script exactly when pasting it over to your web page’s code. That way is the most manual but there are alternative options as well. If you are using WordPress, there are plugins available that can add the code for you. Moreso, Google Tag Manager can be of assistance too. Regardless of the method you choose, you will need FAQ schema code placed into your web pages before testing.

Once the schema is fully implemented, you will definitely want to test it out to make sure everything is working accordingly. Fortunately, there is a way to verify that the schema was set up correctly. Use a schema tester on Google such as the Structured Data Testing Tool. You can either add the specific code you inputted onto your web page or the page URL. The schema tester on Google will confirm if everything looks good or will provide feedback.


Rich Snippet Tester

Once you have your FAQ schema code all in order, we are sure you want to preview it. A rich snippet tester is the best way to do this. This tool will show you how the data will look on SERPs. After you run through the tests, you are nearly done. You will need to reindex your page with Google or the questions will not show up. Similar to the whole process, this will not be too hard either. You will need to use Google Search Console to place a request to inspect a URL for indexing. And that is it. In most cases, the update happens pretty quickly at around twenty minutes. You have successfully incorporated FAQ schema into your web page.

It is important to note that there is no guarantee that your new schema will always appear. Google’s algorithm is complex and ever-changing. But you do increase your chances by conducting the proper tests such as the schema tester on Google and rich snippet tester.

FAQ Schema Helpful Tips

You should feel like you have a pretty good grasp of schema and FAQs by now. We have covered the basics, benefits, and the whole implementation process. We still have a few quick tips for you to consider before you begin.

A word of advice is to not use the same questions and answers for multiple pages. You may have some web pages that are very similar to each other and may contain the same information. Avoid using the same FAQs as Google will have trouble differentiating between your web pages. Think about what makes each of your pages unique and the main idea.

Some websites even have users submit answers to FAQs or forums. In this instance, you would not want to use FAQ schema but instead QA schema, a different markup. Schema for FAQ is ideal for static, not time-sensitive web pages. It’s worth noting that Google prohibits using markup for advertising. Speaking of which, Google does have guidelines on what is restricted including profanity, violence, and illegal activities. But that should not be a problem for you.

Lastly, if you are already familiar with general SEO best practices, you are ahead of the game. When crafting your FAQ schema, utilize the same factors for search engine optimization. Ensure your questions are relevant to the topic, your page layout is well structured and it contains keywords. All of these little adjustments will make your schema easier for Google, thus helping your web page’s visibility and search ranking.


FAQ Schema and Your Website

As we previously mentioned, not many websites are using this hidden treasure for their SEO. By being an early adopter, you may be able to take up more real estate on SERPs and drive more users to your website. So get in before it’s gone. Google is already trying to crack down on schema abuse. That should not be a problem for you if you take the steps we outlined in this guide.

You saw that it does not take that much time especially if you use a FAQ schema generator. From there, make sure you run the proper schema tester on Google and rich snippet tester to ensure your code is optimized. Of course, do not forget to re-index your page and follow Google’s guidelines. SEO Design Chicago can help you implement schema markup and other on-page SEO practices.


  • What is FAQ schema?
  • How does FAQ schema help websites?
  • How to generate schema for FAQs?
  • Where to test schema markup code?
  • What content to include in FAQ schema?

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