Why Is SEO Important for Orthopedists? 

If you are looking for new clients in the orthopedic industry, you should consider creating an SEO strategy or hiring an orthopedic SEO company. An SEO company can increase your ranking in the search algorithm by getting more consumers to view your website. The placement of your orthopedic practice in the algorithm is crucial for attracting new clients. Did you know that only 0.78% of Google searchers click on results from the 2nd page?  If your business appears on the 2nd page, that means that over 99% of consumers will visit your competitors’ websites instead. 

What Is SEO?

If you are not familiar with SEO, it is essentially the practice of getting more traffic to your website. There are four main ways to go about achieving this. They are keyword research, content creation, off-page optimization, and user experience. This article will give you some ideas for how to improve the SEO for your orthopedic practice.


Creating Quality Content 

You might be wondering how exactly an orthopedic SEO company can help bring traffic to your website. One of the ways an orthopedic SEO company does this is by creating content. Creating content like blogs that discuss the orthopedic industry can be a great way to drive traffic to your website. 

An example of a blog post that could be made for your practice would be highlighting an orthopedic doctor or orthopedic surgeon who had recently been performing well. Additionally, educational articles that consumers might be searching for more information on could be a good piece of content. Producing content that users can easily interact with is an effective strategy because the content will help bring in consumers for a long time even after it is posted. This is especially true for content like articles that typically do not become outdated easily. 

Choosing the Right Keywords 

Another medical SEO strategy is to use keywords on your website. Keywords are certain words that users often search for. Using keywords will help increase your ranking in the algorithm because Google will see that your website has a lot of the words consumers are searching for and recommend your website higher. 

For example, in the orthopedic industry, common keywords could be “doctor” or “surgery”. You would then add the words doctor and surgery more often on your website whenever it would make sense to do so. Keywords are also often used in content like blog posts. 

The advantage of hiring an orthopedic SEO company for keywords is that you would have the assurance that you are using the right keywords. You do not want to waste resources trying to find keywords when you could be spending time elsewhere improving your business. Especially considering that you might not even know if the keywords you are using will work. 

medical seo

Building Internal Links 

If you are employed as an orthopedic doctor or orthopedic surgeon, then you might be wondering what the importance of building internal links is for a website. Internal links are links that take a user from one page on your website to another, also on your website.

For example, an internal link could take a user from the About Us page of a website to the careers page. Making sure that these links are working as intended on your website is crucial. Consumers might find your website unprofessional if some of the internal links do not work. It can be very easy to overlook links that are broken, but you shouldn’t. Sometimes when you are changing your website to make improvements, links can be accidentally broken along the way. An orthopedic SEO company can ensure that all of your links are functioning properly so you can continue to improve other aspects of your website.  

Checking Your Website Speed 

The speed of your website plays a big factor in how your website ranks in the algorithm. That is why when you are seeking medical SEO advice, you should consider attempting to increase the speed of your website. Additionally, this will make your website look more professional, which could lead to more consumers wanting to visit your orthopedic practice. Some consumers might be wary of becoming a patient if they believe your website looks like it is not working to the best of its ability. After all, your website is a direct reflection of your business. 

If you are unsure of the speed of your website, there are many online resources you can use to test your website’s speed. PageSpeed Insights by Google is a great way to see the speed of your website on both mobile and desktop devices. PageSpeed Insights also offers suggestions on how you can improve the speed of your website. Typically PageSpeed Insights will suggest easy fixes for your website, such as minifying javascript or minimizing an image size. 

orthopedic surgeon

Gaining Insight with Analytics 

One of the reasons many companies seeking medical SEO advice hire an orthopedic SEO company is that an orthopedic SEO company can provide analytic tools. This is crucial because analytic tools can tell you who the average consumer visiting your website is. It is important to know who is most likely to visit your website so you can start targeting their demographic. You might already have a target demographic in mind, but that might not be who is actually visiting your website. You can also see how long consumers spend on your website. This is also really important to analyze because it will tell you if your website is grabbing consumers’ attention or not. If you notice that the average consumer is leaving your website after 30 seconds, then you might want to consider improving how the front page of your website looks. Maybe it does not draw the attention of consumers the way it should.    

Utilizing Email Marketing 

One of the many services that SEO companies provide is email marketing. Email marketing allows you to save a lot of time and money by not having to send out emails individually. Additionally, email marketing can help you gain new clients. An SEO company can send out emails to consumers who are not your customers and inform them of your business. 

Email marketing can even be used for simple everyday tasks that could be sent in an automated email. Orthopedic doctors and orthopedic surgeons especially love this aspect of email marketing. This is mainly because, with email marketing, you can automatically send out reminders and updates about patients’ appointments. This also improves the customer experience because the clients want to be reminded of their appointments so they do not have to reschedule. This is why reminder emails can be a great way to reduce the number of clients who miss their appointments. 

Customizing Your Title Tags 

Making sure that your orthopedic practice has the best possible title tags is important when trying to increase your ranking in the Google algorithm. A title tag is a piece of code that gives your website its title. The title tag of your website may seem simple, but it is important to spend some time on it. After all, the title tag is the first thing consumers will see when they visit your website. 

When creating a title tag, it is better to think of a unique name instead of a generic one. This is because Google’s algorithm is more likely to rank websites with unique title tags higher. Additionally, the length of your title tag is important. Your title tag should be no more than 60 characters and no fewer the 40 characters. Similar to how it is better to have a unique title tag, this is just because Google’s algorithm is more likely to rank a website title tag between 40-60 characters higher in the algorithm. 

orthopedic doctor

Starting a Paid Ad Campaign 

If your orthopedic practice is simply looking to gain new clients, one strategy you could try is to work with an SEO company to create pay-per-click ads. Pay-per-click or PPC ads are a type of advertising that can help promote your business in Google’s algorithm. If you have ever searched something on Google and saw multiple prompted websites before the top result, you have seen a PPC ad. 

One way PPC ads look different from a normal search result is that the search result will say ad under the title. One of the advantages of purchasing a PPC ad is that you can advertise based on certain keywords. Often orthopedic practices will use terms like orthopedic office and maybe the name of their city. This is really helpful because this way, you can ensure that the consumers that go to your website are actually in the area near your practice. The last thing you want is to have consumers want to visit your practice but then be unable to because your office is too far away.  

FAQs about Why Is SEO Important for Orthopedists?: 

  • Why do I want to be on the first page of search engine results pages?
  • What is the importance of keywords in SEO? 
  • How can analytics help my SEO?
  • What is the benefit of email marketing?
  • How long should title tags be?

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