The Benefits of a Blog Writing Service for Your Business

Online and digital marketing has become essential for businesses, big or small. One way to implement this is through a content marketing strategy. Creating a blog is one of the most popular areas of content marketing. This is because blogs generate 97% more links to your website. In addition, an updated blog will lead to an 88% increase in leads. Plus, the leads you will generate from your blog will cost 62% less than leads gained through advertising, cold calls, brochures, or other outbound marketing strategies.

However, consistently creating quality blog posts can present many challenges for businesses, especially small businesses. Business owners are already juggling the many various aspects of their every day jobs. They do not have time to also be responsible for writing blog posts. It is also not something that you can tell interns or inexperienced writers to do either. They will not produce the kinds of blog posts that you need for your content marketing strategy to be successful.

Finding a blog writing service takes away some of the responsibilities for you. Blogging is a business and professional article writing services understand how to leverage this business. From preparing a list of blog topics, researching relevant facts and figures, to actually writing quality content that is search-engine friendly and valuable to your audience, it can be very time consuming. Blog writing services have experience with every aspect of this process. 

Professional bloggers and professional article writing services work with diverse clients. They are experienced in adapting their style of writing to fit the industry and your specific business. Whether you want to come up with your own topics or not, the blogger can advise on what is relevant. SEO blog writing services are also experienced in seamlessly including SEO keywords and hyperlinks within the blog to improve visibility.

Blog Writing Services

Improved SEO

It is likely that one of the reasons you created a blog in the first place was to improve your search engine rankings. However, you cannot simply put any content out there and expect that to get results. Your blog posts need to be high-quality and include the right keywords. Even a well-written post will not be beneficial to your digital marketing strategy if it does not contain the right keywords.

Some guidelines that should be followed are incorporating the right keywords. You also want to use those keywords an appropriate amount of times in the text without it seeming like you “stuffed” them in. Finally, you want to include links to other blogs and web pages on your website and authoritative external websites. Successfully meeting these guidelines while still writing interesting, engaging content will be a challenge for inexperienced writers. This is when an SEO blog writing service will be a great help to businesses.

Keyword Research

Effective keyword research is the foundation for improving your search engine rankings. It will be the first step in being able to reach your target audience and gear your content to them. Keyword research can be a time-consuming process and is not as easy as it may sound. You must first understand your audience, their interests and how they engage with content online. Plus, you must also understand what search engines are looking for that will improve your ranking. This includes an understanding of long-tail keywords, semantic search, and intent-based terms. Many business managers do not have this knowledge. A professional SEO blog writing service will do all of this work for you.

Stepping Stone for Other Content

One great thing about a blog is that it can be repurposed in multiple different ways. A blog post does not have to stay only on your website. It can be shared on your Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram, too. This will increase its reach and be another way to showcase your expertise.

Your blog can also be used as extra content in your company newsletter. Many businesses regularly send out email newsletters to contacts. These newsletters are another place to integrate your blog post, giving them more information. In addition, you could also use your blog writing service to create articles and content exclusively for your email newsletter.

Improved SEO

Free Up Time

For businesses both large and small, outsourcing has become increasingly popular. Just like you can outsource your accounting, legal, and HR functions, you can also outsource your blog writing functions. Hiring a professional blog writing service will free up time for you to spend on your business. You can do this through a full-service digital marketing agency or a service that only focuses on blogs.

Most of your time investment will be spent at the beginning of the relationship with the blogger. This will be when you provide them with detailed information about your business, customers, and competitors. You should also inform them of any goals that you are hoping to achieve from the blog. You may give them an overview of your digital marketing strategy so they can understand the big picture goals. The initial blog posts may require more time proofreading to ensure it fits what you had expected. Once both parties are clear on the expectations, your time invested doing this will decrease greatly. 

Likely, a blog was not something you were planning on creating when you started your business and very well may be an inconvenience for you. The time that you are not spending laboring over writing blog posts allows yourself to be used on your growing business. You can invest your time on things like managing your employees and improving your bottom line. 

SEO Blog Writing Services


With any content marketing strategy, consistency is key. You cannot write a blog post every two weeks for three months and then consider your job done. You need to keep producing quality content for your strategy to work effectively. Hubspot even suggests that sixteen posts per month, or four posts, a week is the ideal blog post schedule. The minimum posting frequency for small-to-medium sized businesses is once a week.

Even if you initially think you have many ideas and are excited about writing the posts, this usually fizzles out. A professional blog writing service has a team of blog writers that love writing. Along with that, their experience in writing from a variety of perspectives and for various audiences will ensure they never just run out of ideas.

Build Authority

An active blog is one of the best ways to build your brand’s authority both online and offline. You know that you are good at what you do, but not enough other people know. A blog is a place for you to showcase your expertise. Having a blog writing service allows you to share this authority without spending any of your own time. This is a place for you to establish your company as a thought leader. It can also be a  place for you to provide solutions to people’s problems or showcase how your company can do so. 

Outside Perspective

It is easy to get caught up in a bubble, especially when creating content. You are an expert in your field and by default you sometimes forget how much other people know. A professional blog writing service will be able to provide an unbiased opinion of the content you are currently producing. They may be able to point out where you got too technical for the average consumer. Plus, many firms will also be able to give you an idea of how yours stacks up to your competitors. With this information, they will be able to suggest topics you may have initially overlooked.

Not as Expensive as You May Think

Many business owners hesitate to use an article writing service because they believe it will be expensive. In almost every case, hiring a professional is cheaper than doing it yourself, hiring an employee, or even getting a current employee to add it to their job. An inexperienced employee could take a few days to create a blog post. A professional blogger will be able to do the same in a couple of hours. Plus, you do not have to pay a blogger a salary or benefits. You only pay them for the blogs they submit to you, generally a per blog or per word fee.

Still, when outsourcing content creation, you get what you pay for. The most inexpensive option may not actually be the best option for you.

Article Writing Services

Stay on Schedule

As mentioned before, professional blog writers are able to create content much quicker than inexperienced writers. This will help keep you on schedule and ensure you continue to put out content on a regular basis. Having a regular schedule gives visitors a reason to continue to come back. These return visits are also a great way to turn casual visitors into customers.

Marketers who prioritize blogging are thirteen times more likely to have a positive ROI on their efforts. Hiring a well-established, experienced blog writing service is an easy way to make sure your content marketing strategy is effective. This service will make sure your blog stays up-to-date with quality content that engages your audience. In the process, it will improve your search engine ranking by utilizing SEO writing strategies. SEO Design Chicago has many blog writers with this experience and expertise to deliver the blog posts your company needs. Contact us today!

Content Marketing Strategy

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