How to Understand User Behavior With Google Tag Manager Services 

Everyone who uses the internet, a device, or software is a user. In this sense, we are looking at our behavior as a user, which refers to an action or activity that we engage in when we use a particular product, system, application, etc. Typically, this shows how users interact and engage with a multitude of environments. It can be intentional or accidental, where you don’t even know that you are engaging. However, this provides insights to both the software and the user about what they need, want, or what they prefer, and what their habits tend to typically be. User behavior analytics is exactly what it sounds like it is, allowing the system and the software to gauge what they believe someone would like based on their recent searches, their history, what they have purchased before, and more. 

google tag manager seo

What Is Google Tag Manager? 

In a general sense, Google Tag Manager services allow the system to track activity on your site, collect data, and observe your customers’ interactions within your site itself. Google Tag Manager allows marketers to manage and watch the tags on their websites. You are able to more clearly find out what users are looking at, how long they are on that specific page, what brought them to the page, and many other findings that are helpful to your progress. 

Instead of employees watching how customers walk around your store or business, seeing what catches their eye, Google Tag Manager allows you to do this virtually. This system is constantly watching what users are looking at and their every move in regard to each page they land on. This helps every aspect of your business’s success by showing what is popular and what links and tags are taking users to new areas of your site. 

What Are Tags? 

When we refer to tags, we are speaking about small portions of code that help websites and businesses collect data about the interactions that users are having on their websites. That could be submitting a form, contacting your company, or putting something in the shopping cart. 

How Do Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics Work Together? 

It’s very easy to confuse Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager services. However, Google Analytics is what collects, stores, and helps to analyze different data. Google Tag Manager is what sends the data from your website to Google Analytics and other tools in the form of tags. While they are both Google products and both free, platform it’s easy to confuse which is a tracking tool and how each application is different.

If you are only using one interface instead of multiple, then Google Analytics is perfect for you. However, if you are using many different platforms, it’s easier to use Google Tag Manager. It will take all of the data from each to combine and condense them into one easy place. This saves a lot of time and energy for you. Instead of moving between multiple software, you can look at one specific platform giving you all the data that you need. 

user behavior analytics

Why Does Understanding User Behavior Matter? 

If you are a company with a website, you want to make sure that you understand user behavior analytics. By looking into user behavior analytics, you can help make sure that you know about glitches within your website and how consumers are using it. 

For example, let’s say you have the option to make an appointment on your website. You see that people are going to that page, but they aren’t following through with creating an appointment. That could indicate that there is something wrong with the website. 

Tracking User Behavior 

Using Google Analytics behavior flow, you can visualize the path that users take from one page or event to the next. This can help you discover what content is keeping your users engaged. In order to view this, there are a few things you need to set up. You have to track “events,” which is a type of hit used to track user interactions with your content specifically under Google’s realm. 

Google analytic behavior flow allows you to see the connection from one path to another and the volume of traffic within that path or other parts themselves. This allows you to see if users went from product pages to the checkout, or if they continued shopping then finished at the checkout. It also shows what was triggered, what led users to different pages, which pages are the most popular within your website than others, and what areas you may need to fine-tune in order to get more traction. 

How to Track In Steps: 

  • Step 1: Set up Events 
  • Step 2: Sign into Google Analytics 
  • Step 3: Select your view 
  • Step 4: Open Reports 
  • Step 5: Select ‘Behavior’ and ‘Behavior Flow’ 

google tag manager services

How Is SEO Relevant?

Using SEO is very relevant to Google Tag Manager. This is because it allows professionals to implement code onto any site without the need to have specific coding knowledge. Before anyone could use this, you would need to understand the purpose of a tag, where to find them, and how to use them correctly. 

If you do not know how to code or you do not understand how to go through all of that Google Tag Analytics, SEO will help you create the material you need to see the results you’d like. You can get these results without having the experience that many other sites require. Without that experience, you have a larger likelihood of putting tags in incorrectly or those that have no relevance to what you are putting in. 

With Google Tag Manager SEO, you can correctly implement the different tags that will get you and your business the attention it needs in order to succeed and grow. However, if this doesn’t seem like something you can do yourself, SEO Design Chicago can do it for you. SEO Design Chicago has professionals on staff who can help create tags and teach you how to use Google Tag Manager. Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can help you better understand user behavior.


  • What is Google Tag Manager?
  • What are tags?
  • Why does user behavior matter?
  • How do Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics work together?
  • Who is considered a user?

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