Snapchat Emojis and What They Mean

If you use Snapchat, you have probably noticed the different emojis that appear in the app. (And you most likely do use the photo-sharing app. After all, Snapchat has 322 million daily active users.) So, what are Snapchat emojis and what do they mean? 

snapchat emojis

Snapchat Emojis and What They Mean

Let’s take a look at all the emojis you see on Snapchat and what each emoji means: 

⭐ Gold Star: This means someone has replayed their snaps in the past 24 hours.

💛 Yellow Heart: A yellow heart means you are #1 best friends with each other. You send the most snaps to this person, and they send you the most snaps.

❤ Red Heart: A red heart means you have been #1 best friends with the same person for at least two weeks straight.

💕 Pink Heart: Pink hearts mean you have been #1 best friends with the same person for two months straight.

👶 Baby: You just became Snapchat friends with this person.

😎 Face with Sunglasses: One of your best friends is also one of their best friends. This means you send a lot of snaps to someone they also send a lot of snaps to. 

what do snapchat emojis mean

😬 Grimacing Face: Your #1 best friend is their #1 best friend. You send the most snaps to the same person that they do. 

😏 Smirking Face: You are one of their best friends, but they are not one of your best friends. This means you don’t send them many snaps, but they send you a lot. 

☺Smiling Face: This is another one of your best friends. You exchange a lot of snaps. 

🔥 Fire: A fire indicates a snapstreak. This means you have snapped this person every day, and they have snapped you back. The snapstreak lasts for as long as you keep this up for consecutive days.

💯 Hundred: A 100 emoji indicates a 100 day snapstreak. The 100 emoji will appear next to the fire emoji when you make it to 100 days in a row snapping back and forth with the same person.

⏳ Hourglass: An hourglass indicates your snapstreak is about to end. If you want to keep it alive, you need to exchange snaps with your friend.

🎂 Birthday Cake: A birthday cake emoji means it is your friend’s birthday!

snapchat emoji meanings

Zodiac Snapchat Emojis

If your Snapchat friend has given the app their birthday, their zodiac sign will show up as a purple box. 

Bitmojis in Snapchat 

If someone’s bitmoji pops up in a chat, it means they are also currently in the chat box. 

Snapchat Icon Meanings

One of the great features of Snapchat is that it shows you when someone has received, viewed, sent, opened, or screenshotted your snaps. These icons are shown in the interface. Let’s break them all down:

Received Icons

A full red box means you received a snap without sound. A full purple box means you received a snap with sound, or a video. A blue box means you received a chat message, like a text.

Viewed Icons

An empty red box means a snap without sound has been opened. The empty purple box means your snap with sound has been opened. An empty blue box means your chat message has been opened.

Sent Icons

A full red arrow means your snap without sound has been sent, but not opened yet. The full purple arrow means your snap with sound has been sent and has not been opened yet. A full blue arrow your chat message was sent and has not been opened yet.

Opened Icons 

An empty red arrow means your Snapchat friend has opened your snap without sound. The empty purple arrow means your friend opened your snap with sound. An empty blue arrow means your friend has opened your chat message. An empty green arrow means your friend viewed and received your cash. 

Screenshot Icons

An empty red triangle with three arrows around it means your snap without sound has been viewed and took a screenshot. The empty purple triangle with three arrows around it means your snap with sound has been viewed and took a screenshot. An empty blue triangle with three arrows means your chat message has been viewed and took a screenshot.

yellow heart on snapchat

Snapchat Marketing

Now that you know the meaning of Snapchat emojis, there is so much more to learn about Snapchat. Snapchat is an excellent marketing tool if you know how to use it. SEO Design Chicago offers Snapchat advertising services and can help you use it for your business.

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