Meta Tag Generator

Using the SDC Meta Tag Generator

Fill in the Title, Description, Keywords, and Author fields and then click the “Create Meta Tags” button. The Meta Tags block will be filled in. Copy the Meta Tags block and paste it into your HTML document between the <head> and </head> tags.

Additional Notes:

Google will show up to 65 characters in a title tag. If you have significantly more than 65 characters, it may appear to be spam by the engines.
There is no “set” or “good” meta description length that is better for SEO. We recommend a meta description that is between 50 and 300 characters long.

Keywords are not used by Google as a SEO ranking factor, but they may be used by Bing. Separate keyword phrases by commas.

Without doubt, a meta tag generator can be quite helpful for both consumers and business owners alike. Before a meta tag generator can be used effectively, however, it is important to understand a bit more about the product and how it works. Traditionally, the word “meta” is translated as “information about.” Therefore, meta tags were originally developed to provide information about a specific web page. The facts provided by a meta tag may vary, but typically includes information about the topic of the web page, important keywords, the author, copyright facts, and other important information. Obviously, the use of an appropriate meta tag is important for individuals who wish to draw more traffic to a specific Internet web page.

Developing an appropriate meta tag can sometimes be quite a challenge. This is especially true for individuals who are inexperienced in the field of meta tag generation. Fortunately, SEO Design Chicago offers the use of a free meta tag generator for customers interested in growing their Internet website business. By following a series of steps, individuals who use this free meta tag generator can ensure that users can easily find their webpages. Internet Marketing Ninjas is dedicated to growing your Internet website through the use of its free meta tag generator. Try it today and you won’t be disappointed!

Meta Tag Generator Tool

When creating pages for your website, using meta tags is a great way to increase your SEO. Meta tags can be customized in the source code of your site to benefit you. It can be difficult to use meta tags correctly if you are not a coder or website designer, which is where our meta tag generator tool makes a big difference! Use our free tool to get meta tags that will boost your web pages above the rest.

meta seo design chi

What are Meta Tags?

Before you learn how to use our meta tag generator tool, you need to know what meta tags are. Meta tags are small bits of coding language that provide data about the content of a web page. These aren’t just descriptive words; these can also be symbols, phrases, and numbers. There are four different kinds of meta tags, and they all describe different parts of your website. These tags aren’t visible on the page itself, but are instead shown in the html code. A meta tag generator tool can help you determine what kinds of tags to put in your code to best describe your site.  

How Meta Tags Work 

To understand the use of meta tags, it helps to know a bit about HTML, or coding language. Coding language is a series of words, numbers, and symbols that describe how a website is put together. This includes things like the colors on the site, the layout, and the content. This coding language is read by programs that interpret it into a visual representation, which is what we see on a web page. When the coding language is incorrect, the website will either display a screen that says “404” and will not show the web page at all, or it can mess up the formatting and make the web page look terrible. When coding language is written right, it makes a website run smoothly and display correctly. Meta tags are special parts of coding language that tell the interpreting programs certain things about the website.

seo design chicago best meta description

Why Do Meta Tags Help SEO? 

Search engines like Google find your website through categorizing and sorting into an index. They do this through special programs called crawlers. These site crawlers read through the code of each website and find out how to categorize it. One of the things they use to know how to sort a website is the meta tags! If the meta tags are disorganized, poorly worded, or confusing, this can affect your ranking on Google and other search engines. If your meta tags accurately describe your website and are formatted correctly, your website could rank higher! This is the ideal situation when creating a website, especially for a business trying to raise their SEO. 

How to Use Our Meta Tag Generator Tool

It is so easy to use our meta tag generator tool! All you need is the basic information of your website. Fill in the website url with the actual hyperlink to your website. Add the title of your website, with capitalization included. Create a short description of your website, preferably using a keyword or two. This should be about 50-300 words ideally. Then add the keywords you use on that specific web page. When you get to the charset, use our example or put in one from your website. Add the author name and then determine if you would like the tool to index or analyze your links. This can affect your results, so you can try different options as well. Then, take the codes the tool generates, and add them to the html code of your website. 

seo design meta description instruction

Why Use Our Meta Tag Generator Tool? 

When you use our meta tag generator tool, you can find out what your website needs to improve the meta tags you already have and also add new ones that can help your SEO. It can be difficult to determine what meta tags to use or not use on your own. The meta tag generator tool is here to help you find the best meta tags for each of your website’s pages, all for free. 

What Else Can You Do to Boost Your SEO?

If you are struggling with placing your meta tags correctly or if you are still not quite sure how to use our meta tag generator tool, contact us for a free SEO consultation! We can help you determine if your website can be optimized, then present you with options and plans that can benefit your company. SEO can be demanding and time consuming, especially for someone who has a business to run. Let us help you improve your SEO and bring your website to the top of the search engine results!