Hotjar Explained

It can be difficult to update your site when you aren’t sure what is and isn’t specifically working for your users. Don’t you just wish that you could be a fly on the wall? Hotjar is exactly what you need to get the inside scoop of what happens on the other side of your site. But what is, what should pricing Hotjar for your efforts involve, and what is Hotjar used for? It’s natural to ask questions like these, as well as what Hotjar plans are available and more details to promote and support your business efforts.

What Is Hotjar?

So, let’s begin by answering “What is” and “What is Hotjar used for?” Hotjar is a useful platform used by businesses that allows them to understand their audience better. If you were to set up a Hotjar account, you would be provided information on how your users interact with your site. What Hotjar is doing is allowing your brand to be the best it can be for your audience, as it gives insight into the user experience. In addition to this insight into “What is” and “What is Hotjar used for?”, it can do more. The elements provided by Hotjar are essential to driving traffic to your website. While you know your business best, Hotjar is what will be able to figure out what your users know about your business based on signals you may not have noticed on your own. It will assist you in deciphering what your users like about your site, what they are confused about, and what needs to be adjusted on your site. 

what is hotjar

You want your site to be a space that caters to your user’s needs. At the end of the day, while you are passionate about your business, your site should be constructed for them and their enjoyment and understanding. After all, you couldn’t have it without them! If you are looking for a way to boost your brand and give your clients the best site possible, Hotjar is what you need. 

Hotjar can help you with a lot. When considering the worth of Hotjar costs, you can enjoy a number of services through Hotjar, including:

  • Better understanding of how users are interacting with your website
  • Heatmaps of clicks and activities
  • Tracking to get an idea of the customer experience on your site
  • Recordings of what users see
  • Feedback 
  • Identifying problems or problematic areas on your site
  • Designing polls of good quality
  • Ability to visualize the user experience
  • Creating of surveys for customer’s input 

Hotjar Pricing

Online, pricing Hotjar varies depending on what plan you are looking for. When it comes to Hot Jar pricing, there are four different plans you can choose from, which increase in price and benefits as they are listed. These plans include the basic plan, the plus plan, the business plan, and the scale plan, each with different Hotjar costs. Since you have a better idea of what Hotjar is, you may want to consider making an investment in one of the plans with more advantages. However, once you evaluate Hot Jar pricing, it’s natural to wonder, “Is Hotjar free?” When wondering, “Is Hotjar free?” you’ll be happy to know each pricing Hotjar plan begins with a free trial, so you can try out what you think will benefit your business the most and see how it works before committing to a payment. 

Basic Plan

Beyond the initial answer to “Is Hotjar free?” are your various plan options. When it comes to Hotjar plans, the basic plan has the lowest Hotjar price, as it is free forever. If you are not looking for an advanced understanding of your users but just want to get your foot in the door, this may be the plan for you. Among the available Hotjar plans, this plan will give you basic important website tips and tools. However, after knowing what Hotjar is, you may want to consider investing in a more advanced plan with a Hotjar price. Other plans with Hotjar costs will offer more, which will allow you to improve your websites based on your users’ needs. Plus, like what was said previously, each plan consists of a free trial before you have to consider any Hotjar price. Luckily for the basic plan, you don’t need a free trial, as it is fully free! So if you aren’t looking for the hassle of setting up a trial, this may be the way to go. The basic plan, while it has the least amount of benefits, still has included perks.

With the basic plan, you can have:

  • 35 sessions per day
  • 365 days of data storage
  • Unlimited accessibility to heatmaps 
  • The ability to organize and share user insights 
  • The automatic capture of data each month 
  • 20 responses per month
  • Unlimited data storage
  • 3 surveys
  • 3 feedback widgets

hotjar heatmaps

Plus Plan

The plus plan is where pricing starts, as there are already many more perks than the basic plan. Surveys are unlimited for this plan, while there are only three for basic. This plan starts at $39 a month for extra observing benefits and $59 a month for extra asking benefits, such as surveys and feedback for sites. This plan offers more than the basic plan but is still not the recommended plan if you fully want to up your business game. However, this may be a beneficial option if you are learning what Hotjar is about and want to start with more than just the basic plan. If the benefits are what you are looking for, then this is the plan for you!

With the plus plan ($39 dollars/month), you can have:

  • 100 sessions per day
  • 365 days of data storage
  • Unlimited accessibility to heatmaps 
  • The ability to organize and share user insights 
  • The automatic capture of data each month 
  • Filter session recordings and heat data
  • API (application programming interfaces) tracking 
  • URL page targeting

With the plus plan ($59/month), you can have:

  • 250 responses per month
  • Unlimited data storage
  • Unlimited surveys
  • Unlimited feedback widgets
  • Feedback in 40 or more languages
  • Edits for feedback visibility 

Business Plan

The recommended plan is the business plan, which is $99 a month for observing benefits, and $79 a month for asking benefits. The business plan, with “business” in the title, will be the one to boost your business’s marketing strategy to its fullest potential. It comes with everything the Plus plan comes with but with extra perks. This is the best plan you can go with to find website traffic and create a responsive website.

With the business plan ($99/month), you can have:

  • 500 sessions per day
  • 365 days of data storage
  • Unlimited accessibility to heatmaps 
  • The ability to organize and share user insights 
  • The automatic capture of data each month 
  • Filter session recordings and heat data
  • API (application programming interfaces) tracking 
  • URL page targeting
  • Filters
  • API identification

With the business plan ($79/month), you can have

  • 500 responses per month
  • Unlimited data storage
  • Unlimited surveys
  • Unlimited feedback widgets
  • Feedback in 40 or more languages
  • Edits for feedback visibility 
  • Ability to analyze survey results
  • Ability to customize colors for surveys
  • Ability to remove branding of Hotjar (make your business your own!)
  • Change the style of feedback 

hotjar pricing

Scale Plan

Scale plan pricing is the most unique of all Hot Jar pricing. The Scale plan is what Hotjar is because it offers everything that Hotjar has. The price is up for negotiation. The only difference is that the scale plan has unlimited options for everything that would have a number limit. It also ensures security risk reductions and the ability to have your own custom widgets. The scale plan offers everything possible that Hotjar has. If these add-ons do not seem to be what you are desiring, stick to the business plan. 

What Hotjar Is Used For

What Hotjar is used for is quite simple: to cater to your audience and therefore improve your website. Hotjar creates a space that assists you in being a designer, manager, builder, collaborator, and researcher for your site. It also allows business management to become easier, giving you less stress and more time to put effort into your marketing strategies. Hotjar is used for whatever you need to improve your site for yourself and your audience. You can make Hotjar your own by finding what works for you. 

Hotjar Heatmap 

Heatmaps are visual representations of data to help illustrate to you, through color, what is and isn’t working on your site. These have been around since the nineteenth century and make complicated data simple to understand. Hotjar heatmaps will allow you to get a glimpse of your site’s improvements and downfalls within seconds, saving you precious time that would otherwise be wasted when looking at data individually rather than as a whole. 

With Hotjar heatmaps, you will get the whole picture, and things will look much clearer. Heatmaps will allow you to constantly improve and upgrade your site to your user’s liking. Hotjar heatmaps are essential for website growth and will likely make a difference in your user’s enjoyment of your company. Following these heatmaps accordingly shows that you care for your audience, and the revisions you make will be only for the better. You’ll leave your users thinking that you read their minds and know exactly what they’re looking for, which will bring you to the top of searches.

what is hotjar used for

Using Hotjar to Improve Your Website

Business management can be difficult when stresses are constantly being thrown at you from all angles. Hotjar is what you need to lift the weight off of your shoulders and get ahead with your site at the same time. With Hotjar, you will be able to see the big picture and improve your website.


  • What is Hotjar?
  • What are Hotjar heatmaps?
  • Which Hotjar pricing plan is best?
  • Why is Hotjar useful?
  • What is Hotjar used for?

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