How to Write Great Marketing Emails

Writing great marketing email ensures that your customers and followers are up-to-date with your products and content that you are producing. Sometimes, however, these emails are simply ignored because they lack anything interesting or important to say. This article will demonstrate how to write an effective marketing email, and hopefully help you get more subscribers and engagement.

Great Marketing Emails

What is a Marketing Email?

For those unfamiliar with what exactly a marketing email is, a marketing email is a form of promotion that involves sending out emails to people on your mailing list to advertise a new product, service, content piece, or anything else you have been working on or developing. Think of it as a phone notification for a business. This strategy is a great way to stay in touch with your customers and fans, and continue to expand your business. It allows you to choose which items, goods, or services should be highlighted to your customers, and why they should want to utilize them. Email marketing is one of the best tools out there for gaining more traffic to your website. Some wonder if social media marketing is taking the place of email marketing, but email marketing is still a very effective marketing tactic. 

Benefits of Using Email Marketing

There are a ton of benefits that come with utilizing email marketing. The primary one is to be able to keep in touch with your customers or followers on a regular basis. Simply emailing them when a new product or service is released ensures that you will keep in constant contact with them. By staying in constant contact, you help ensure that customers will have you in their minds when shopping or when looking for entertainment.

One tip is to not spam your customers with emails. Instead, update them in a consistent, but not pressing manner. If you spam consumer’s inboxes with a ton of emails, they will ignore you and your product. This defeats the purpose of using email marketing, as your messages will be deleted before they are even read. 

Having a subscription option for emails from your company is very important when using email marketing. This ensures that you are not sending spam to random people. A subscription means that people who are interested in what you have to offer are willing to receive emails about your products. This is a key part in building a business, and means you can offer more products and services to people who already like your business to begin with. A well-done email will show customers new deals or new products and encourage them to check them out.

Even if you have the best marketing email length and format, most people still will not open it if you send it to them randomly. Some people purchase a list of emails when they are just starting out with email marketing. There are pros and cons to buying an email marketing list.

Best Email Marketing Length

Using Email Marketing to Promote Your Business

The number one use for email marketing is to promote your business. Promoting your business can be for new products, sales on items, coupons, or really anything. This is a key step in getting return business. A consumer will feel happy and important if a company emails them offering them a discount on a product because they are a loyal consumer. Another great idea is to give your subscribers early access to a not-yet-released product. By emailing your subscribers a new promotion or deal, you are showing you value them as a consumer, and are happy they are still shopping with you.

An optimal length for this would be short and to the point, with the promotion displayed and a short blurb about it. Using email marketing in this fashion will help you retain customers, build brand familiarity, and build loyalty.

Contents of a Marketing Email

Next, we’ll discuss the actual components of an effective marketing email. There are a variety of strategies you can employ, and they should vary based on who the email is targeted at. However, a form of these components is crucial in every marketing email you will send out.

Preview Text

The first thing customers will see from your email is the preview text. That’s the line in your email inbox that tells you who the email is from and what it entails. This is the line that decides whether or not people open the email or not, so it has to be effective. This preview text has to elicit a response that makes them choose to open and read the email. An example of this could be a limited time discount on a good or service. Do not utilize all caps or text in a shouting manner, as people are generally turned away from emails like that. The best marketing email length for the preview text is to be short and concise, as more people will read less words.

Email Contents

Next, the contents of the actual email. The contents should be straight to the point and simple. They should show what you are promoting, and how that affects the customer. This is a great place to utilize different emails for different customers, to focus on their specific buying habits. A general tip is to keep things as short and concise as possible. Less buildup to the product means more people will actually look at the promotion you are offering instead of bruising it over. Using a customer’s shopping history at your store will allow you to send personalized content to them. By including products similar to what they buy in your emails, you can attract them to make more purchases.

Offering discounts on these items to them will also encourage them to become brand loyal to you. It is up to you to choose how you want to go about this, as there are a variety of ways to accomplish it, but the best length is short and sweet.  Another option for help with email marketing is to utilize a professional email marketing service.

Email Marketing Tips

Best Email Marketing Length

A great marketing email should be concise and to the point. Now we are looking at how this applies to a real-life example. The best marketing email length is between fifty and one hundred and twenty five words. This is between around three and ten sentences. That is enough for you to get your point across, without boring the reader.

Marketing emails need to catch the eye of your reader, in both the preview text and the actual email itself. People are busy enough, and do not want to spend time reading pointless information, so show them promptly what the email is for. The highest response rates are the emails in this word range sweet spot, and are around fifty percent. That is a solid return rate, as people rarely open every email they receive. A higher number of text raises the click-through rate of your marketing emails. And with under twenty-five percent of people opening any marketing email, you need your text length to be ideal in order to avoid that.

Make sure you also use appropriate vocabulary, as you do not want any confusing words used that your reader may not be familiar with. Also, do not go overboard with pictures, as too many of them will result in a click-through. One or two good quality and relevant pictures is a perfect amount. The best marketing email length is around a paragraph, and is straight and to the point. 

How Do I Write a Great Marketing Email

Marketing Email Tips

The most important part of an excellent marketing email is the preview text. This text dictates whether or not a person will even open the email. Using a person’s first name in the preview text will get their attention and make them more likely to open said email. By making the email more personal, the customer feels like a valued shopper with your company.

The best length for this is a short sentence or blurb. A call to action is another great marketing email tip. This is when you say there is only five more hours for a discount, encouraging the customer into action before the discount runs out. You should always offer something valuable, so do not send bad deals to your subscribers. 

The last email marketing tip is to know your audience. Knowing who you are emailing and what they are interested in or value is critical for actually making sales. If you send a customer something irrelevant they could block your emailing list. Knowing your customers is an important advertising tool in general, but it is extremely important for this strategy. 

The last decision you will have to make is how often you should send out marketing emails. This will depend on several factors, like your goals, your industry, and the number of customers you have.

Writing Marketing Emails

Writing excellent marketing emails can be the difference between success and failure for your company’s sales. For help with your email marketing strategy, contact SEO Design Chicago today.

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