Why Local SEO Is Important for Jewelry Companies

Whether your jewelry store is fully online or a classic brick and mortar, you should invest in your digital presence. Customers overwhelmingly use Google and other search engines to find the jewelry products they need. Many make their purchases directly online, but others use the internet to research which store to visit. That’s why it’s important to use local search engine optimization, or local SEO, for jewelry store websites. The benefits of SEO for your jewelry business include increased organic traffic, higher conversion rates, and more revenue.

Optimizing your online presence can be intimidating. There are several things you can (and should) do for search engines to view your website as reputable and relevant. We’ll go over everything you need to know about SEO for the jewelry industry here. 

jewelry company seo

SEO for Jewelers

Optimizing for search engines involves a few different strategies that ultimately raise your search engine ranking. When a customer makes an online search for jewelry, the results page will show all the relevant sites. But most people don’t look past the first few websites that are listed, which is where SEO comes in. Utilizing local SEO for jewelry means that your website will be highly ranked in jewelry-related searches. The three main parts of SEO are on-page, off-page, and technical.

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO for jewelers involves updating and maintaining your website to include certain optimized features. One of the most essential aspects is using keywords. Researching keywords that are frequently used in your industry is important. If you’ve never done this before, there are a few tips for how to research keywords. In general, you want to start by drafting a list of words based on your industry knowledge. Then build upon those words to make sure they account for your specific products and search intent. If you specialize in engagement rings, the keyword “engagement rings” will bring in more quality traffic than “jewelry.” Search intent indicates the likelihood that the query will result in a purchase. For example, a user searching “rings for sale” is more likely to buy something than someone searching “types of ring cuts.”

It’s important to use keywords, but even more important to use them wisely. Sprinkle them evenly throughout your content and don’t overuse them where they are not relevant. Make sure they are present in the content text as well as titles or headings. You can also incorporate them into your meta title and meta description. These are the label and blurbs for your website that show up on a search results page. 

On-page SEO also includes internal and external links. Internal links are those that direct website traffic to other pages on your website. You could link to a blog article with information about jewelry, or link to specific products. This will keep people on your website longer, signaling to search engines that your site offers significant value. External links connect to other websites. Linking to external sites positions your website as trustworthy to customers and search engines, increasing your search ranking. 

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO for jewelry businesses involves optimizations made outside of your website pages. The best way to optimize off-page is through backlinks. Backlinks are links on other industry websites that link back to your website. These help build the authority of your brand while also facilitating relationships between you and other related brands. You can reach out to other businesses to arrange for them to embed a link to your page. This can also happen organically if someone gets information from your site and links to you as the source. 

local seo for jewelry

Technical SEO

The last main aspect of SEO for jewelry is technical optimization. Technical SEO is focused on the technical structure and performance of your website. Page speed is an important technical component of your website. Nothing will increase bounce rates, the percentage of viewers who leave after visiting only one web page, like low page speed. This is the speed that it takes for a request to be processed and executed on the website. Ensure that your web pages load and respond quickly on both desktop and mobile devices. 

Broken links must also be addressed for technical SEO. Broken links can be caused by not embedding the link correctly. It can also happen when the linked page has been deleted. Regularly check the links on your website for 404 errors. When you find a broken link, remove or replace it. 

Lastly, you want to make sure all your images are optimized. It reflects poorly on your brand to have blurry, low-definition images. Especially if the images depict the jewelry products you’re trying to sell. Provide high-quality images and relevant alt text to optimize your visual content. 

Jewelry Marketing Services

SEO is integral to digital marketing, but there are other ways to generate leads and sales through your online presence. One option is to utilize jewelry marketing services to optimize your campaign. This type of service manages SEO for jewelry brands, launches ad campaigns, performs web and social media analytics, and more. Your online presence requires constant maintenance, but if you’re willing to manage it yourself, here are a few key strategies. 

Google My Business

One thing recommended by jewelry marketing services is updating your Google My Business profile to ensure it is complete and accurate. A Google My Business profile includes basic information such as your name, contact information, website, reviews, and photos. When a user finds your brand on Google, all this information helps convert them into a customer. If anything is missing or entered incorrectly, you may lose business. When creating your Google My Business profile, incorporate SEO for jewelry to attract quality traffic. Encourage satisfied customers to review your business on Google to secure a higher overall rating. 

jewelry marketing

Social Media 

There’s more than one way to market your jewelry brand on social media. To start, make accounts on popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This will help you reach new audiences and bolster your brand’s reputation. As with your website, offering high-quality content and images is critical. You can also incorporate keywords so that search engines display your profiles with a high ranking. Creating personalized, on-brand posts will humanize your business and demonstrate its unique personality.

Advertising on social media is a great way to increase the awareness and authority of your brand. You can target the ads to reach users that are interested in products like yours. This will generate more leads and sales for your business. Social media ads attract more engagement, as users may share the ad with friends or follow your account. You can also advertise on social media by partnering with an influencer in your industry. The endorsement of an influencer earns you more customers and positions you as the main competitor. 

Jewelry Blogs

Creating blog content for your website benefits your jewelry brand in more than one way. First, it establishes the authority of your brand by featuring your industry expertise and viewpoint. People searching for information about jewelry will find your blogs and view your brand as a leader in the industry. You can also include keywords throughout the articles, raising your search ranking. Blogs also attract visitors who may become future customers. Even if they don’t intend to buy anything when they find your articles, they’ll remember your brand for later purchases. Lastly, your informative articles serve as sources for other websites that will link to your page, bringing in more traffic.

Local SEO for Jewelry Companies

Another major component of SEO is local optimization. Local SEO for jewelry companies targets users in the areas your business serves. Because local customers with the intent to purchase products like yours are targeted, local SEO for jewelry increases conversions. 

Long-Tail Keywords

Imagine a jewelry brand that wants to focus on marketing in Detroit. Long-tail keywords that feature location will boost the local SEO for jewelry companies in Detroit. A typical keyword is short, consisting of one or two words. A long-tail keyword is longer, with three or more words. Using location within the long-tail keyword can look like, “engagement rings in Detroit.” Dispersing these location-specific long-tail keywords throughout website content as well as the meta title and meta description enhances local SEO.

seo for jewelers


Citations are also important for local SEO. Citations reference a business online by featuring the name, phone number, and address of the company. The most common citations are the business listings on sites like Yelp or Yellowpages. Local searchers are directed to nearby businesses through these sites. They often allow customers to post reviews, which builds the authority and reputation of the brand. Managing your citations and asking customers to review your brand on these directories will greatly increase local traffic. 

Grow Your Jewelry Brand’s Local Customer Base

To succeed in this digital age, jewelry businesses need an online presence. Invest in your brand by maximizing your local SEO for jewelry customers to find you. If you need help with marketing your jewelry brand, SEO Design Chicago can help. We have helped other jewelry brands grow their local customer base and see revenue growth. 


  • What is off-page SEO?
  • How do I research keywords for jewelry?
  • What is search intent?
  • What are the benefits of SEO for jewelry businesses?
  • How do blogs benefit my jewelry brand?

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