How Educators Get More Clients by Blogging

Teachers have a very important job that is often underappreciated. They are responsible for educating both young and old minds, while influencing and inspiring them along the way. Every teacher is passionate about what they do. They become teachers because they want to make a difference in shaping young people’s lives, not because of money or inexperience in other realms. But teachers can’t make this difference if they don’t have methods to reach students.

With the passion that comes with teaching, it can be easy to forget the importance of having a marketing strategy. Not only is this important for getting more students, but it helps create a safe environment so that parents/students can have access to more information about you and your specialties. Blogging is one of the most effective ways to market your education business. But before we get into that, let’s start with the importance of having an online presence. 

blogging for educators

Having an Online Presence

You can only get so far with having your name spread through word-of-mouth. Having an online presence will bring more eyes to your teaching business, keeping both new and old customers happy. New customers will be grateful to know more about you before committing, and old customers will be happy to have access to any updates you may have online. It will also make you look more reliable as a teacher to have yourself and your achievements displayed proudly online for anyone to see. Having an online presence is key to educator advertising.

Create a Website

The first step to having an online presence for any business is to create a website. Websites give your educator business a space to provide basic information while making your business your own. Here you can provide location and contact information along with pictures and videos of your classroom or teaching space. This will make you seem more friendly and allow you to proudly show yourself off. Make it fun! No one knows your business as you do. Show everyone that you know what you’re doing. 

The more content you have on your website, the better. More content means more opportunities for your website to be found on search engine results pages. But how can you add more content to your online presence? And how can you make sure your site is constantly being updated? A great way to solve these problems is to post blogs on your website. 

Create Educator Blogs

Blogging is extremely beneficial for any business. Having a blog increases your chances of ranking higher in search by 434%. If you add blogs to your site, it gives you many possibilities for content creation, which will improve your site overall. Through blogs, you can find your niche, make your business more helpful and relatable, and help with search engine optimization (SEO). 

SEO is a powerful marketing strategy that is popular amongst many businesses. Essentially, SEO brings your site to the top of search engine result pages, leading to more viewers and traffic to your site. This strategy can be optimized through blogging because you can incorporate certain keywords in your blogs that boost your search rankings. Also, having a website that is consistently updated with new material will allow your site to stay fresh, which will attract a bigger audience and heighten search rankings. The opportunities blogging provides for educators is endless. 

Use Social Media Profiles

Being present on a variety of social media platforms is important for teachers to reach parents and students. Chances are, if you have an online presence from various platforms, your clients will have each found you from a different platform. Some might have found you online, others through Facebook or LinkedIn. Every person is different, which is why it is important to be present in multiple places. 

educator blogging

The Importance of Blogging for Educators 

But why should teachers blog? How does it affect their education business? Blogging attracts more students because they give you the opportunity to have both informative and entertaining content that will draw in both parents and students to your site. Blogs are also a good way to add links that could lead viewers to more parts of your site, ultimately making them interested in your education program. The more viewers read your blog, the better you can get to know them and further personalize your blogging methods. Every student wants to feel comfortable with their teacher. Create an environment through your blogs that show you are a caring, comforting individual. 

As an educator, you might think that balancing teaching students with blogging is impossible. This is not the case! Once you have everything planned out, you’ll get into a weekly routine. You might even find that you are growing your skill set as a teacher while you create educator blogs. Unsure of what to write about? No problem. We’ll discuss ideas for education blogs next.

Topic Ideas for Educator Blogs

When you don’t know what to write about in your education blogs, try to look at it from an audience perspective. What would a student like to read about? How about a parent? What about other teachers? If you were looking for a teacher, what kind of content would you like to see on their blogs? When you step back and look from a different point of view, blogging for educators becomes a bit easier. 

Once you have found your best ideas, try to duplicate them to make more content. Can you make blog themes, like an interview Tuesday or wacky Wednesday? This will keep your educator blogs going and have readers looking forward to new posts. Blogging will take time, so don’t be discouraged if yours aren’t immediately successful. Eventually, you will learn what works for you and what doesn’t. 

If you are still having writer’s block, here are some educator blog ideas for you to work off of:

  • Classroom party tips
  • Staff or student interviews
  • Advice for new teachers
  • Quotes from students, or famous quotes that have inspired your teaching
  • Invite a guest to post on your blog
  • Upcoming events/festivities
  • Tips on encouraging kindness in the classroom
  • Tips on classroom organization
  • Self-care tips
  • Giveaways 

Once you have your main ideas down, try to see what works best and go from there. Soon, your educator blog will be top-notch. 

education blog

Writing Educator Blogs

Writing educator blogs becomes easier as you go. However, when your job becomes too stressful for you to keep up the blogs by yourself, see if you can get other people to write for you, or create topics that require less time for you, such as topics you are very knowledgeable about. 

When writing your blog, make sure to always keep in mind your audience, your voice, and your schedule. These three objectives will keep you on top of your game.

Know Your Audience and Voice

Know your audience before you start writing your educator blogs. You are creating an environment through your content that is appealing to students, parents, and other teachers. With this in mind, make sure you are writing blogs that are fun, family-friendly, and wholesome while also being informative and educational. This should be captured in your voice. Since you are a teacher, this should be in your wheelhouse! 

Know Your Schedule

Having a schedule is key to keeping your educator blogs on task and making sure there is a regular flow to your website. Plan them out in a calendar so you never fall behind. You can create a digital or physical calendar. Whichever suits you best!

educator blog

SEO Design Chicago and Education Marketing in Las Vegas

SEO Design Chicago is a digital marketing agency designed to assist businesses with any SEO needs they may have. We work with many different business industries, including educator advertising. Having worked with educators in the past, we are well-versed in creating a strategy for you to expand your teaching business. 

We are known for creating marketing strategies for you that are easy to understand. We know that the education world can be stressful, so we want to make things simpler for you. Some services you can expect from us include PPC advertising campaigns, Facebook advertising, LinkedIn advertising, website content creation, and more. To ensure that we provide the best services possible for your business, we analyze your site to get to know your brand and provide a customized plan made especially for you. We will do what it takes to make your business stand out and rise above its competitors!

SEO Design Chicago is flexible when it comes to location since we have expert staff members across the United States. We are the best digital marketing agency in Las Vegas, among many other cities. Here, we provide full-service digital marketing for your education business. Whether you need a full-service web/marketing strategy or just a short-term PPC campaign, SEO Design Chicago can assist you. Contact us today!


  • Why should teachers blog?
  • How do teachers get more students by blogging?
  • How does blogging help with SEO?
  • Why should educators have an online presence?
  • What are blog topic ideas for teachers?

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