Why Is Local SEO Important for CPG Companies?

Consumer packaged goods, or CPG, are products that are sold quickly and typically for a low cost. These goods can range from a bag of chips to a bottle of shampoo. If your CPG company is looking to reach more customers in your area and outrank your competitors, then it must utilize local search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. 

cpg marketing

What Is Local SEO?

Search engines such as Google use your location to determine which local consumers packaged good companies to display on a search results page. Local SEO strategies will ensure internet users located near your business can find your company when researching online.

Local search engine optimization is a digital marketing technique that will help you rank your CPG company’s website higher in search engine result pages, also known as SERPs. Users tend to only visit websites on the first page of search results. So, ranking higher will increase your chances of new customers seeing your website. 

This local SEO strategy incorporates using keywords that people are most likely to use when searching for your business in that specific geographic location. The focus on the target audience within a specific location is what differs local search engine optimization from traditional SEO. Words such as the town your CPG company is located in or the name of the nearest city are critical to include in your keyword list.

Focusing on the quality of content on your website is also crucial to succeed at local search engine optimization. Ensure there are keywords related to the location of your CPG company throughout your site and post blogs as a way to let the search engine know where your business is located. If your goal as a CPG company is to gain more local customers, it is essential to use these strategies.

CPG Industry

Most consumers recognize consumer packaged goods by the brand name, and not by the company name. For example, the brands Ralph Lauren, Cheerios, KitKat, Maybelline, Laffy Taffy, and Purina are all products of the consumer packaged goods company Nestle. The products CPG companies most often produce are fast-moving and regularly-purchased goods such as drinks, chips, candy, and cleaning products. 

The overarching goal of all consumer packaged goods companies is to sell the most amount of products to as many people as they can reach. However, most brands choose carefully which retailers their products will be carried in based on the brand’s perception. For example, some CPG brands will choose to display products in discount stores, but some brands are weary due to the potential tarnishing of their middle-class identity. 

cpg industry

Local SEO Strategy

When a user is presented with search engine result pages, the most relevant web pages are presented to them, listed in order of relevancy. The vast majority of search traffic goes to the first page of search results, so ensuring that your consumer packaged goods company is on the first page is important. Local search engine optimization comes in when you want your website to be on the first page of people located near your brand. 

Local SEO techniques help boost the relevancy and credibility of your website, therefore increasing the ranking of the site on the search result pages. Search engines enjoy seeing that your website is using keywords that are relevant to your industry as well as words that describe where your company is located. The more relevant keywords that are included, the higher your CPG website will be ranked.

Local search engine optimization is a digital marketing strategy for CPG companies that increases the number of users to your website by using different strategies. Most local SEO strategies focus on the search engine results page where all results from a search are displayed. Different search engine optimization methods depend upon what your consumer packaged goods brand is looking for. Posting high-quality content and using keywords are both techniques for local search engine optimization.


Keyword research consists of finding the words customers use to describe your CPG brand. Words will be determined by the type of packaged products your brand sells and where it is located geographically. 

The best strategy to come up with keywords to use in your local SEO is to describe your CPG company out loud. Use short phrases or words that people who want to find your brand would type into the search bar. Depending on what your brand niche is, it will determine the different keywords your consumer packaged goods brand will use. Make sure to include words describing the different products you sell and include your geographic location. 

Choosing the correct keywords will be based on the type of product your CPG brand offers. However, based on the Google Ads Keyword Planner, the best keywords for a CPG company are:

  • “packaged goods”
  • “best consumer packaged goods companies”
  • “cpg consumer packaged goods”
  • “consumer packaged foods”
  • “cpg consumer”
  • “cpg company near me”

Figuring out who your target audience is and what information people are looking for will help determine which keywords and keyphrases to use. Ensure your company is not overusing keywords, as they may get overwhelming for the reader.

cpg company website

Website Design

Before purchasing a product, 81% of shoppers conduct their research online. With most CPG consumers starting their buying journey on the web, it is essential to have a website. Allowing potential and returning customers to access all possible information about your business on your website is crucial for building a trustworthy reputation for your brand. Having a well-structured website containing relevant content will boost your ranking on local search engine result pages even more.

Creating a straightforward menu at the top of the website with one to two-word labels will ensure that your customer can easily find information. The menu includes creating different product categories tabs and a “contact us” page. This will give people who visit your CPG website easy access to the information they are looking to find.

Another important design aspect to include is your brand’s color scheme. The website will become even more effective if colors throughout the website include enough contrast to be easily read. Ensure you include features for people who are color blind or fully blind so that your website is accessible to everyone. The more accessible your CPG website is, the more customers will be attracted to explore your site.


Including a blog on your CPG company’s website is another great way to utilize your keywords and boost your local SEO. Writing blog posts that include keywords your company has gathered will help the search engine recognize that your website is helpful and relevant. Within these blogs, make sure you include relevant keywords as well as internal links so that the user spends more time on your website. Internal links are links within the article that lead the user to another page within your own website. The more time users spend on your website, the higher it will be ranked.

Make sure these posts contain content that is relevant to what your audience wants to read about. Blog posts about your newest product releases, an article about a new food trend, or writing about the top five snacks people love are all interesting blog post ideas. Interesting articles will increase the traffic of your website as well as increase the ranking. Search engines love these techniques, so the more keywords and internal links that are included, the higher your CPG company will be ranked on search engine result pages. 

local seo cpg company

Local SEO Agency

Is your consumer packaged goods company too busy focusing on perfecting your product? There are local SEO agencies that can help. Experts offer digital marketing services that will help businesses appear in location-related search results. These experts conduct research to find the most optimal words to use and will give advice for other marketing strategies. A local SEO agency also has the capability to customize your strategy. They can do so based on any kind of web traffic your company desires to generate. 

Tactics used by local search engine optimization experts typically depend on a few things. This includes the size of your CPG company and the marketing goal your brand gives an SEO agency. Are you looking for a local SEO expert to help your consumer packaged goods company achieve this? Contact SEO Design Chicago today

SEO Design Chicago Can Help

If your consumer packaged goods company is looking to start planning how to optimize local search engines, then contact SEO Design Chicago’s CPG Marketing team today! We have a team ready to discuss more digital marketing opportunities for your company. If your CPG company is located in Minnesota, we have a wonderful marketing team located in Minneapolis ready to help your CPG company succeed even more.


  • What is local SEO?
  • Why is local SEO important?
  • What are CPGs?
  • Why are blogs important to SEO?
  • What are good keywords for CPG companies?

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