Is Guest Blogging Part of a Content Marketing Strategy?

Is guest blogging part of your content marketing strategy? If not, it should be! Guest blogging for a content marketing blog can go a long way toward your content marketing efforts. This article will answer any questions you have about guest blogging. It will go over what guest blogging is, how it applies to content marketing strategy, steps to creating the best content marketing blogs, and the benefits of guest blogging, and how safe guest posting is for SEO.

Guest blogging can be a great tool for your business. In fact, 60% of blogs host between one and five guest blogs per month. This article has everything you need to know about guest blogging, content marketing, and SEO for your business.

guest blogging

What is Guest Blogging?

Guest blogging is exactly what it sounds like. Guest blogging is a content marketing and SEO technique that involves someone writing and publishing a blog post on a third-party website or blog to promote their personal or corporate brand. Ideally, you will choose a website or blog that shares your target audience. The top content marketing blogs boost traffic by focusing on valuable content, business leaders, lead generation, research reports, and more. Your guest blog might share the latest industry news or industry trends.

Bloggers can be influential people when it comes to trafficking and building up connections on the internet. Even though guest blogging has to do with getting to know your audience through a third-party website, you may indirectly start to increase your influence in the social media world as well.

Guest blogging also expands your audience. Instead of only having your initial audience, you are now adding the blogger’s audience. If your guest post holds something of value to the blogger’s audience, there’s a possibility that, after they’re done reading, they will head over to your website next for more valuable information. That is the goal of your marketing strategy.

Guest blogging can also benefit your SEO, especially when you post on a reputable and quality blog. By posting on a reputable blog, you can increase your SEO rank, thus, increasing your traffic.

Is Guest Blogging Part of a Content Marketing Strategy?

Yes, guest blogging can and should be part of a good content marketing strategyIt’s important to have a well-thought-out content marketing strategy, which can include strategies like guest blogging. Guest blogging is a successful content marketing strategy because it benefits the guest blogger and the blog. Many of the best content marketing blogs accept guest posts.

is guest posting safe in seo

Benefits of Guest Blogging as Content Marketing Strategy

Not only does the publisher benefit from guest blogging, but also the author. The publisher wants to give their audience quality content, while the author needs a place to promote their brand. By using a guest blog, the author can show their expertise on their topic and give the publisher free content. (Pst: you might also accept guest posts on your own blog.)

The best way to use guest blogging is to not be overly promotional, but to use guest blogging as a way to educate the audience for your content marketing strategy.

There are several benefits to guest blogging:

  • Instant exposure to your targeted traffic: If you write quality guest posts, you can expect to see your trafficking increase.
  • Expansion of your personal network: Be active in the community by leaving comments, sharing posts, etc. Also invite your contributors to post on your site.
  • Increase social media marketing activity: This includes the number of shares and following you’ll gain on your social media accounts.
  • Improve your online authority: Authority is an important aspect in modern online marketing. If you don’t have good online authority, your customers won’t trust you as they otherwise would with great online authority.
  • Improve your backlink profile: Many blogs have a rule where you need to include at least one link to their own site. Even though most blogs don’t offer compensation for your extra work, in the long run, it will improve your overall SEO.
  • Increase in brand awareness: Try to be unique. When guest blogging, the customer doesn’t want to hear the same thing they can find elsewhere–bring something different to the table. Also make sure you include your brand voice in your guest post, to prevent voice inconsistencies and to sound personal to the customers.
  • Receive useful feedback from the community: With guest blogging, you are able to be a part of the community. Part of that includes receiving feedback from both the customers and contributors. Include a call-to-action in your conclusion.

buying guest blogs

How to Guest Blog the Right Way

In order to reap the benefits, your business needs to know how to use guest blogging correctly.

Many blog owners welcome guest blogging. However, some blog owners publish guest posts that aren’t high-quality, or even relevant to what their blog is about–they accept any guest post that will pay them to publish it.

Guest blogging can also help your off-site SEO through link building efforts. Part of improving your search optimization, you can incorporate link building strategies. This includes, reaching out to guest blogging and PR companies.

How to Find the Right Content Marketing Blogs for Your Guest Post

To start guest blogging, there are two things to do in order to find the right blog:

  • Market research: No blog is created equal. You will need to look at their authority score, what type of blog they are (what they advertise), and how many followers that blog has to determine if it’s the right place for your content marketing blog post.
  • Contact the editor: If you want to start guest blogging, you’re going to need to contact the blog you want to post on. Some blogs have step-by-step pitching instructions for guest posts. If they don’t, use the contact form to ask if the blog accepts guest posts. If they do and ask for a guest post, send a quality pitch.

After you discover that your chosen blog is a great fit for your brand, and you have contacted the editor to guest post, there are a couple more steps before you’re finished.

  • Wait for the blog’s approval: Blog editors receive many guest pitches, so it might take a couple of weeks for the editor to get back to you.
  • Submit your guest post: Once the editor gives you the okay to post on their blog, then you can send in the approved guest post, following any steps or guidelines that the blog has set up. If the blog’s editor wants you to make changes, then continue to edit your post until it meets the requirements.
  • Publish your post and plan ahead: Just as your company might have a calendar to stick to, the best blogs have calendars too. Having a set calendar and plan can improve your SEO marketing strategy. You should expect your guest blog to be posted within the following months after it’s pitched. If it’s holiday- or season-related, you should plan ahead, instead of pitching those types of posts within the same month you want it posted.

Content Marketing Blog Post Tips

Whether you’re the company reaching out to blogs, or you’re the blogger looking for people to guest blog, there are a few things to keep in mind to make sure the guest blog is post-ready.

  • Quality post: There are several tools to use to check the authority of the blog and the type of audience the blog attracts. If you need help finding tools or checking the authority, SEO Design Chicago can help.
  • Only build relationships with repetitive marketers: If you’re the marketing company looking for guest blogs to publish, make sure the content is relevant to your brand, accurate, and well-written. If not, keep looking for a guest blog that will fit that criteria.
  • Keep in mind your name: When you use guest blogs, remember that your name is now attached to them, and it’s reflected on you. Never publish on low-quality sites.

benefits of guest blogging

Buying Guest Blogs

Many places and marketers are open to guest posts. There are several places to look for buying guest blogs, as well as services that will help you with buying guest blogs. An SEO Design Chicago representative can give you more information or help in how to buy guest blogs.

Finding Guest Blogging Opportunities

If you’re trying to find where to guest post, the first thing you want to do is target what your main goal is and what industries focus on your main goal. Some of your goals may focus on a specific industry, audience, engaged readership, or social media activity.

Is Guest Posting Safe in SEO?

Guest blogging can be safe, or it can hurt your SEO. What matters is how you go about guest blogging in search engine optimization.

Guest Posting and Search Engine Optimization

The main reason why guest posting might be unsafe in SEO are because of the links. For example, Google reminds marketers that being caught publishing spammy links can hurt your search rankings if they find some links are questionable. Make sure you verify that the links have authority. You’ll not only have to build authority and trust with search engines, but also with customers.

A few guest posting practices to avoid include:

  • Multiple links back to the promoted site
  • Keyword rich anchor text
  • Promotional text links within blog posts
  • Articles placed on sites that solicit payment for publication
  • Articles put on non-SEO sites that have links to SEO sites
  • Publishing on website with articles that have low-quality links

The best way to produce a post with high-quality links is to not think about your articles as link-building projects. Rather, think of them as a marketing project. The purpose of the guest blogs should be a way to get your brand name or service out there.

Once you prove that you and your links hold authority, you don’t have to worry about search engines as much. Instead, focus on the people. Also make sure you don’t copy your competitors. Write guest blogs that solve the audience’s problems; don’t repeat what they’ve already heard many times before.

If you are concerned about hurting your SEO with guest blogging, hire professional content marketers who specialize in pitching guest blog posts to help you with your content strategy.

Is guest blogging part of a content marketing strategy

Make Guest Blogging Part of Your Content Marketing Strategy

Now that you know the basics of guest blogging and SEO, you can get started with guest blogging as part of your content marketing strategy! Our professional content marketers can help you creating content marketing blogs, pitch them to the best content marketing blogs, and give you more content marketing advice. SEO Design Chicago is a full service online marketing agency that employs the top digital marketers. We can also help you with more content marketing strategies and other digital marketing services, like social media marketing, video marketing, quality content creation, email marketing, and search engine optimization. Contact us today for more expert marketing strategies!

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